1. Give both a high-level algorithm and an implementation (\bubble diagram") of a Turing machine for the language in Exercise 3.8 (b) on page 160. Use the ' notation to show the computation sequence (con_gurations) for the strings 010 and 1010 using your TM.
2. Give both a high-level algorithm and an implementation (\bubble diagram") of a Turing machine for the language in Exercise 3.8 (c) on page 160. Use the ' notation to show the computation sequence (con_gurations) for the strings 000 and "using your TM.
3. Give both a high-level algorithm and an implementation (\bubble diagram") of a deterministic Turing machine that accepts L = fw 2 fa; b; cg_ j jwja < jwjb < jwjcg.
4. Give both a high-level algorithm and an implementation-level (\bubble diagram") of a Turing machine for the language:
L = fw 2 fa; bg_ j w contains aa and ends with bag
5. Give both a high-level algorithm and an implementation-level (\bubble diagram") of a Turing machine for the language:
L = fw#x j w; x 2 fa; bg_ and w is a substring of xg Computability and Complexity