
1 explain how the medical and population health

1. Explain how the medical and population health models of health affect population health. 

2. Examine local, state, and federal public health policy. 

3. Compare and contrast individual-oriented and population-based interventions for achieving national health objectives. 

4. Discuss the barriers and solutions to accessing health care. Readings: Kovner & Knickman (2011) - Chapters 5-8 Fielding, J., Teutsch, S., & Koh, H. (2012). Health reform and Healthy People initiative. American Journal of Public Health, 102(1), 30-33. https://login.ruby2.uhv.edu/login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=mnh&AN=22095359&site=ehost-live 

Evaluation: • Discussion • Healthy People 2020 - Online Exercise . Health People 2020 . 1.Explore the history & development of the Healthy People initiatives. 2.Read the final review of Healthy People 2010. 3.Review the objectives for Healthy People 2020.

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Business Management: 1 explain how the medical and population health
Reference No:- TGS0467906

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