1 experts suggest that you dress professionally for a

Please use questions below as a guide for your two page essay.

1. Experts suggest that you dress professionally for a telephone interview even though the interviewer can't see you. Do you agree that this is important? Why or why not?

2. In getting ready for a telephone interview for a new job, what are the three or four things for which you most want to be prepared? If you were getting ready to interview someone else for a job what are the three or four major thins that you'd expect that person to be prepared for?

3. Matt Aberham warns against simply trying to "sell yourself" during a phone interview. You agree, but you also believe that selling yourself is one of the things that you have to do as a job seeker. What sort of strategies do you regard a legitimate and effective in trying to sell yourself to a phone interviewer (or an in-person interviewer, for that matter)?

4. Think of one or two experiences from your own life that you'd particularly like to come up in a job interview. What sort of question might allow you to "take the initiative" in making sure that they didn't fall through the cracks? How much time do you thing each incident would be worth in 30-45 minute interview?

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Business Management: 1 experts suggest that you dress professionally for a
Reference No:- TGS01476263

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