
1 examine the history of immigration to the

1) Examine the history of immigration to the United States from the Cape Verde Islands. How did the immigration to the US impact Manuel? What was Manuel's experience in bilingual education? What can classroom teachers learn from Manuel's education and home life?

2) According to Nieto & Bode " Bilingual education has always been controversial, but the major issue may be more about power than about language......Thus the issue is not so much whether bilingual education works, but that the real possibility that it might. As a result, in spite of its sound pedagogical basis, bilingual education is above all, a political issue because it is concerned with power relations in society" (p. 229-230).Discuss.

3) Research contradicts the common advice given to language-minority parents to "Speak English with our children at home" (p.227).How would you use this information as a classroom teacher?

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Microeconomics: 1 examine the history of immigration to the
Reference No:- TGS0490771

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