
1 evaluate the parameters of ethical decision-making models

1. Evaluate the parameters of ethical decision-making models as they apply to a recommended policy

Evaluates the parameters of ethical decision-making models as they apply to a recommended policy, and explains how the decision-making model selected justifies the recommended corporate policy.

Recommend a corporate policy for resolving an ethical issue.

Evaluate the parameters of ethical decision-making models as they apply to a recommended policy.

2. Assess how the recommended corporate policy is socially responsible

Assesses how the recommended corporate policy is socially responsible, and justifies the responsibility

Assess how the recommended corporate policy is socially responsible.

3. Recommend a corporate policy for resolving an ethical issue

Recommends a corporate policy for resolving an issue and provides examples of how the comprehensive nature of the corporate policy covers the major aspects of the issue.

4. Support a corporate policy recommendation for business ethics policies and standards with well reasoned analysis and specific examples

Supports a corporate policy recommendation for business ethics policies and standards with well-reasoned analysis and specific examples, and cites statistics based on cited resources that also support the recommendation.

5. Recommend a strategy for communicating a policy to the organization in a manner that meets the needs of an audience

Recommends a strategy for communicating a policy to the organization in a manner that meets the needs of an audience, and explains and justifies how the communication meets those needs.

6. Describe potential limitations of a recommended policy, and strategies for monitoring and compliance

Describes potential limitations of a recommended policy, and strategies for monitoring and compliance, and explains the repercussions of not complying to that corporate policy.

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Business Management: 1 evaluate the parameters of ethical decision-making models
Reference No:- TGS02863914

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