Answer all below questions :
1. Draw the block diagram of von Neumann Architecture and explain about its parts in brief.
2. What is the function of Program Status Word (PSW)? Explain the function of each flag that PSW contains.
3. Explain the different types of computer architectures.
4. Draw the block diagram of Intel 8085 CPU organization and explain the different flag bits supported by the 8085 CPU.
5. What are the different types of Bus used in computer? Explain about its functions.
6. Explain the steps to be followed for the addition of floating point numbers.
7. Explain direct addressing mode and Register addressing Mode with example.
8. What is memory interleaving? Explain it with necessary figures.
9. Explain the two bus organization and its working principle.
10. Draw the diagram for the control unit organization of computer and explain how it works.