1 draw mo energy diagram for hb2 draw correlation diagram

1. Draw MO energy diagram for HB+.

2. Draw correlation diagram for pi framework for 1,3-butadiene(CH2=CH-CH=CH2). How many pairs of electrons are shared between the middle two carbons in 1,3-butadiene? How many pairs of electrons are shared between the first two carbons in 1,3-butadien?

3. For SO2, how many electrons are there on either terminal atom that are not shared with the central atom? How many electrons are there on the central atoms that are not shared with the terminal atoms? How many electrons that are shared with the central and termianl atoms?

4. As a pair of atoms approach from a large separation, initially the total energy of the MO resulting from out of phase overlap of their AO's...(Choose one)

A. goes down, due to decreased kinetic energy

B. goes down, due to enhancement of electron density between the atoms

C. goes up, due to delpetion of electron density between the atoms

D. none 

5. Draw sigma and pi framework for O3 and O3+.



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Business Law and Ethics: 1 draw mo energy diagram for hb2 draw correlation diagram
Reference No:- TGS01199175

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