1. Distinguish among Scan line polygon fill and Seed fill or Flood fill algorithm?
Scan Line Polygon
Flood Fill Algorithms
?1. This algorithm checks and alters the attributes that is features and parameters of the pixels along the current raster scan line. Once it crosses from outside to the within of a boundary of the identified polygon or the other region, it starts resetting the colour or as gray attribute, in effect filling the region along which scan line. These changes back to the original attribute while it crosses the boundary again.
? 2. Polygon filling is time capturing.
? 1. Flood Fill Algorithms. In these, the algorithm begins with the coordinates of a identified point (termed as the "seed") within the polygon to be filled, and proceeds outwards from this, testing the adjacent pixels around it in arranged fashion, till the spreading wave reaches the boundary in all directions.
? 2. Polygon filling is fairly quick.