1. Determine water supply reservoir volume for the following information:
City population: 200,000
Water consumption rate: 568 Lpcd
Catchment area: 103Km2
Rainfall rate: 110cm/yr
Average Class A pan evaporation: 4.0 mm/day
Free surface water evaporation coefficient: 0.7
Soil surface evaporation coefficient: 0.5
Minimum net reservoir volume: 50% of annual yield or half of a year water supply whichever is greater.
Adjust reservoir volume if the average surface area of the reservoir is 500 ha and the seepage from the reservoir bed is 1.4 mm/day.
If during the droughts 25% of water required is supplied from a deep well field, how many deep wells with 30 liter/second discharge are required if each well supplies water for 12 hours per day.