
1 cartesian dualism is often criticized for being overly

On the final exam, you will be presented with three of the following essay prompts and asked toanswer two of the three. Make sure to answer every part of every question clearly and thoroughly,demonstrating an understanding of the concepts and arguments we have discussed.

1. Cartesian dualism is often criticized for being overly problematic. Explain Cartesiandualism and several problems it faces. Next, describe why many argue physicalism is abetter theory of mind. Last, argue whether a dualistic theory of mind and body is moreor less problematic than a monistic theory of mind. Thoroughly explain and defend youranswer.

2. Present a situation where Kant's deontological account of morality and Mill's utilitarianaccount of morality would agree on what action ought to be done. Then present asituation where these accounts would disagree on what the correct moral action is. Forboth scenarios, explain on what grounds these moral theories would claim the actionbeing discussed is morally right or wrong. With respect to the situation where the viewsdisagree, which account of morality do you think gets the right answer? Explain why.

3. Unger and Hardin's views on financially aiding the poor disagree on some respects.Roughly describe both of their arguments, making it clear in what ways the twodisagree. Which account do you think carries more moral weight? Defend your answer.

4. Using Kant's Formula of the End in Itself, explain why lying is morally impermissible. Inthis explanation, be sure to explain this formulation of Kant's categorical imperative aswell as the importance of maxims and autonomy for Kantian ethics.

5. Describe three of the justifications Unger discusses for why someone might argue weshould help in the Sedan case but not in the Envelope case. Explain how Ungerresponds to each of these three justifications. Does Unger provide a satisfactorydefense? If not, explain why. If so, briefly discuss whether we should accept hisconclusion.

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Science: 1 cartesian dualism is often criticized for being overly
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