How Much Protein?
1. Calculate your RDA protein requirement using the information on pages 226-228in your textbook.
2. The Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR) for protein is 10-35% of energy for adults. Based off of the information presented in Chapter 6, determine what percent of calories within this range you feel would be appropriate for you. Finally, use your recommended calorie level to calculate the number of grams of protein you should consume each day. Note any differences between this number and your RDA calculation from Question 1.
3. Look at your Three Day Food Record that you kept in Week 1. On these days, did you eat less than, just the right amount, or more than your RDA protein requirement?
4. Using, the website listed in Question 1, or food labels, list the top five sources of protein from your Three Day Food Record diet.
Food item
Grams protein/serving
5. List two risks of inadequate protein intake.
6. List two risks of protein overconsumption.
7. Pretend that you are a vegan (no animal products are included in your diet). List the food items you would eat in a typical day to reach your RDA protein requirement. Remember that you will need to combine foods together to make complete proteins. Be sure to list each food and the amount of protein it contains.