1 calculate deltagrxn and ecell for a redox reaction with

1. Calculate deltaGrxn and Ecell for a redox reaction with n=4 that has an equilibrium constant of K=4.7x10^-2. Express each answer using two significant figures.

2. A patient is given .055 mg of technetium-99 m, a radioactive isotope with a half-life of about 6.0 hours. How long does it take for the radioactive isotope to decay to 7.0x10^-4 mg? (assume no excretion of the nuclide from the body). (Answer should be in hours).

3. Decide whether or not each of the following metals dissolves in 1 M HCl. For these metals that do dissolve, write a balanced redox reaction showing what happens when the metal dissolves. Express each answer as a chemical equation. Enter "no reaction" if there is no reaction. Identify all the phases in each answer.

                     a. Zn

                     b. Fe

                     c. Na

4. Use tabulated half-cell potentials to calculate deltaGrxn for each of the following reactions at 25 degrees Celcius. 

                     a. 2 Fe^3+(aq)+3 Sn(s) ---> 2 Fe (s) + 3 Sn^2+(aq)

                     b. O2(g)+2 H2O(l) + 2 Cu(s) ---> 4 OH^- (aq) + 2 Cu^2+(aq)

                     c. Br2(l)+2 I^-(aq) ---> 2 Br^-(aq) + I2 (s)

5. A Cu/Cu^2+ concentration cell has a voltage of 0.21 V at 25 degrees Celcius. The concentration of Cu^2+ in one of the half-cells is 1.6x10^-3 M. What is the concentration of Cu^2+ in the other half-cell? (Assume the concentration in the unknown cell to be the lower of the two concentrations). Express your answer using two significant figures. 

6. What mass of lead sulfate is formed in a lead-acid storage battery when 1.33 g of Pb undergoes oxidation?

7. Write a nuclear equation for the indicated decay of each of the following nuclides.

                      a. Po-210(alpha)

                      b. Ac-227(beta)

                      c. Th-234(beta)

                      d. Mn-49(positron emission)

                      e. Pd-103 (electron capture)

8. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using fission to generate electricity.

9. Explain why different kinds of radiation affect biological tissues differently, even though the amount of radiation exposure may be the same

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Chemistry: 1 calculate deltagrxn and ecell for a redox reaction with
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