1. As detailed in "The Secret Life of Data in the Year 2020," what does "the secret life of data" refer to?
Article link :
https://api.ning.com/files/c8BE7a42sG6wfORyOdriNQaIM*Vgg5lPFmVm0RlnLMtvl6W5Fcqxfaf7NnppGeako05* L1OOo3ngoQl*H2aSDnxzGcFzAEc/URBANFUTURISTTIMEStheSecretLIfeofDataintheYear2020.doc1.pdf
2. According to the box "The Reality of Virtual Feelings" within the article "Relationships, Community, and Identity in the New Virtual Society," what are some of the possibilities raised by advances in brain research and multisensory perception?
Article link:
3. As portrayed in "The Individual in a Networked World: Two Scenarios," briefly summarize one of two possible scenarios for the future of technology.
Article link:
4. As detailed in "A Beginner's Guide to Building Botnets-with Little Assembly Required," describe the standard business plan for botnet herders.
Article link:
5. As presented in "Network Insecurity," what does Dmitri Alperovitch, cofounder of CrowdStrike, mean when he says, "Organizations think they have a malware problem; in reality, they have an adversary problem."
Article link: