1. Answer the following questions for the method search() below: public static int search (List list, Object element) // Effects: if list or element is null throw NullPointerException // else if element is in the list, return an index // of element in the list; else return -1 // for example, search ([3,3,1], 3) = either 0 or 1 // search ([1,7,5], 2) = -1 Base your answer on the following characteristic partitioning: Characteristic: Location of element in list Block 1: element is first entry in list Block 2: element is last entry in list Block 3: element is in some position other than first or last (a) “Location of element in list” fails the disjointness property. Give an ex- ample that illustrates this. (b) “Location of element in list” fails the completeness property. Give an example that illustrates this. (c) Supply one or more new partitions that capture the intent of “Loca- tion of e in list” but do not suffer from completeness or disjointness problems