Questions are from text: Healthcare Quality Book , second edition by Elizabeth R. Ransom, Maulik S. Joshi, David B. Nash and Scott B. Ransom, Chapter 2
1. An article in " consumer reports on health offered the following advise on how to find a new personal physician (lipman 1997):
there's not sure way to find a new persona physician who will meet all you needs . many people simply ask a satisfied friend or relative. A better approach is to ask a heath professional, a physician, nurse therapist, technician or a social worker who has seen many doctors in action. almost anyone who works in a hospital can tell you which doctors are regarded highly by their patients and colleagues.
In terms of the attributes of care that typical enter into the definition of quality, what should it mean that it would be preferable to rely on a health professional opinion rather than that of a field or relative who is not a health professional - when choosing a personal physician.
2. Describe an instance in which outcomes would not be good measure of heath care quality. Explain why outcomes would not be good indicator of quality in that instance.
3. The physicians at the internal medicine group , a group practice are thinking about how best to assess, for their own internal purposes, their collective and individual performance in prevention and treating osteoporosis. A senior IMG physician has recommended adoption and approach to evaluation osteoporosis care currently used by a large group in California She points out that it would spare IMG physicians forming to come up with their own criteria and standards for evaluating osteoporosis care.
Almost everyone in the group supports the suggestion and likes the idea of not reinvention the wheel. however, several physicians in the group want to make sure that the California groups approach is actually sound and applicable to IMG physician. What aspects examine most closely to achieve their objective? why?