True or False
1 All recursive functions efficiently solve the problem.
2 A function that calls itself repeatedly with different argument values is called recursive.
3 Median-of-three partitioning effectively eliminates the problem of O(N2) performance for already-sorted data.
4 A good interval sequence for the Shellsort is created by repeatedly dividing the array size in half. For example, for a 100 elements array, the interval sequence is {50, 25, 12, ..., 1}
5 A divide-and-conquer approach is commonly used with recursion.
6 Quicksort partitions an array and then calls itself twice recursively to sort the two resulting subarrays.
7 One of the strengths of linked lists is the direct access to each link.
8 Access to the end of the list as well as the beginning makes the double-ended list suitable for certain situations that a single-ended list cant handle efficiently, such as implementing a queue
9 The shellsort takes O(N^2) just like simple sorting algorithms in Chapter 3.
10 Partitioning is dividing an array in half.