
1 a low voltage digital device has a low state of

1. A low voltage digital device has a low state of 0 V and a high state of 1.8 V. It generates a signal train of high pulses at a rate of 1 MHz, these pulses having a 10 ns width and transition times of 100 ps.

(a) Plot the upper bound of its harmonic components up to 10 GHz.

(b) Determine the amplitudes of the third and 101st harmonics.

(c) Determine the signal bandwidth.


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Computer Networking: 1 a low voltage digital device has a low state of
Reference No:- TGS0204914

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The assignment is about a low voltage digital circuit with the transition time is given and based on that the fundamental frequency and the harmonics are calculated. The graphical representation is included and the amplitudes are also calculated.

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