1. Why is it important to follow the order of operations? What are some possible outcomes when the order of operations is ignored? If you invented a new notation where the order of operations was made clear, what would you do to make it clear?
2. Why would the following expression be grouped by using ( ) [ ] { }?
{[(24 + a) - 2(a + b)] x [(12-a) + 4(a-1)] + 2}
If a = 2 and b = 1, what would the answer be?
3. What can you say about equations or expressions when you consider the following scenario:
Snail B is right behind snail A and both are traveling in the same direction. While snail A is traveling at 2 cm/hr, snail B is motoring at 3 cm/hr (this is really fast for a snail). Initially, the snails were 3 cm apart. How long does it take for snail B to catch up to snail A? Is snail A male or female?