1- One common restriction placed on table and column names by DBMSs is that names can contain only letters, numbers, and ____________________
2- You use the SQL ____________________ command to create a table by describing its layout.
3- The ____________________ data type stores integers, but uses less space than INTEGER.
4- When you connect simple conditions using the ____________________ operator, the compound condition will be true whenever any of the simple conditions are true
5- By using the word ____________________ in a query after a computation, you can assign a name to the computed field.
6- In Access, you can combine values in character fields into a single computed field by using the ____________________ operator.
7- Many versions of SQL, including MySQL, use the ____________________ as a wildcard to represent anyindividual character.
8- When you need to sort data on two fields, the more important sort key is called the ____________________ sort key.
9- SQL has built-in functions, which are also called ____________________ functions.
10- How does the format for dates in queries in Access differ from other implementations of SQL?