
1 how you will protect an underground pipe line

1. How you will protect an underground pipe line from corrosion?

2. What are biodegradable polymers? Give their uses.

3. What is electrochemical theory of corrosion? Discuss the mechanism of electrochemical corrosion of iron with : (a) absorption of oxygen (b) evolution of hydrogen.

4. Teflon is highly chemical resistant. Comment.

5. Write a note on vulcanization of rubber.

6. Give the structure and application of the following polymers- nylon 6 and Bakelite.

7. What do you understand by priming and foaming problems in boilers?

8.  A 100 ml sample of water required 200 ml of N/50 H2SO4 for phenolphthalein endpoint and another 15 ml for complete neutralization. Calculate the type of alkalinity present in ppm.

9.  What are conducting polymers?

10. What are the environmental factors effecting corrosion?

11. What are the properties of superconductors?

12. Classify polymers on the basis of source, structure and synthesis method.

13. Explain break point chlorination.

14. Write notes on microbiological corrosion.

15. A zeolite softener was 95% exhausted when 1000 L of hard water was passed through it. The softener required 15 L NaCl of 50 g/L to regenerate it. Calculate the hardness of water.

16. What is the composition and properties of glass.?

17. A 100 ml of a sample of water required 20 ml of 0.01 M EDTA for titration using EBT as indicator. On boiling, 100 ml of the sample require 10 ml of 0.01M EDTA. Calculate the hardness of water.

18. What is ozonization? Explain.

19. How can corrosion be controlled by use of inhibitors?

20. What are electronic and photonic ceramics?

21. Explain the function of Calgon in water treatment.

22. What is the principle of EDTA method? Describe the estimation of hardness of water by EDTA method.

23. Explain the following : (a) Boiler corrosion (b) Caustic embrittlement

24. Write notes on (a) steel (b) cement

25. Describe the properties and uses of two examples of synthetic fibres.

26. Explain the mechanism of condensation polymerisation.

27. Differentiate between

(i) Addition and condensation polymerization

(ii)  Temporary and permanent hardness

(iii)  Scales and sludges

(iv) Primary and secondary standards for drinking water

(v) Thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers

(vi) Rusting and corrosion

(vii) Purification and softening of water

(viii) Dry and wet corrosion

(ix) Iron and Steel

(x) Chemical and electrochemical corrosion

28. Discuss the working of reverse-osmosis technique used for desalination of water.

29. Explain the chemistry of coagulation in water treatment. Give the names of two commonly used coagulants.

30. What is water softening? Draw the neat diagram of zeolite process.

31. Discuss the process of slow sand filtration with neat diagram.

32. Explain the chemistry of ion-exchange regeneration.

33. Buffer solution is added during determination of hardness by EDTA method. Comment.

34. Explain cathodic coating.

35. Explain monomers with examples.

36. Discuss dry corrosion and its mechanism.

37. Give difference between thermoplastic and thermosetting polymers with examples.

38.Write the composition of the following giving at least one use of each.

(a)  Borosilicate glass

(b) Optical glass

39. What are alloy steels? Give any two examples with their compositions.

40. Explain the mechanism of cationic polymerisation with propene as a basic unit.

41. Explain rusting of iron in (a) acidic medium (b) alkaline and neutral medium.

42.Write short notes on the following;

(a)  Fire-clay bricks

(b) Silica bricks

43. Describe the classification and general properties of refractories.

44. Discuss the manufacture of ordinary glass with the help of flow-sheet diagram.

45. Describe a moulding process for fabrication of each of the following:

(a) Thermoplastic materials

(b) Thermosetting plastics

46.  0.28g of CaCO3 was dissolved in HCl and the solution made up to one litre with distilled water. 100 ml of the above solution required 28 ml of EDTA solution on titration. 100 ml of hard water sample required 33 ml of same EDTA solution on titration. After boiling 100 ml of this water, cooling, filtering and then titration required 10 ml of EDTA solution. Calculate the temporary and permanent hardness of water.

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Chemistry: 1 how you will protect an underground pipe line
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