
1 flowchart the process as it is written use lsquoswimming

I need a flowchart created through excel for this particular description that I highlighted. Make the original process one color and any changes you may make to the process another color. Give reason why you made those changes. Thank you very much in advance.

Where I work we don't have a payroll system that relies on technology. There's no time clock. We have to manually write our hours on a time sheet every day we come into work. Then the supervisor has to sign off on the time sheets and send them to an accounting firm that will figure out what our paychecks should be. At which point, they print out our paychecks and mail them back to where I work. Then we have to call the treasurer to come and sign our paychecks. And then our paychecks are put in envelopes in a black binder where our time sheets are kept.

A couple of paychecks ago, my check was short by 10 hours because the person who wrote down my hours to be sent to the accounting firm wrote the wrong hours down. If the system was more technology driven that mistake might not have happened. That's one of the big downfalls of a manual accounting system; human error.

My problem after realizing my pay was 10 hours short, was how could I prove it. That week I had worked hours that weren't on the schedule. I have no idea what happens to the hour sheets once they're taken to figure out our pay. So I had to go back and remember the hours and days I worked. Luckily, each day had something memorable going on. I wasn't even sure if maybe I added the time up wrong. I'm not sure if the supervisor compares the schedule to the hours written down on the sheet. I would hope there's some kind of system to double check it.

As a safe gap for me, I'm now carrying around a pocket planner and I make sure I write down my hours so I can have at hand how many hours I worked.


#1. Flowchart the process as it is written. Use ‘swimming lanes' by functional area if desired. Think about what starts the process, what ‘documents' are used for input/outputs. etc.

#2. Now look at the flowchart and add some improvements: Automation? Checks? Filing system?

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Accounting Basics: 1 flowchart the process as it is written use lsquoswimming
Reference No:- TGS01270976

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