1. Summarize six important properties of relations.
2. Describe two properties that each candidate key must satisfy.
3. Demonstrate each of the anomaly types with an example.
4. What is a well-structured relation? Why are well-structured relations important in logical database design?
5. Describe how the following components of an E-R diagram are transformed into relations:
a. regular entity type
b. relationship (1:M)
c. relationship (M:N)
d.relationship (supertype/ subtype)
e. multivalued attribute
f. weak entity
g. composite attribute
6. Briefly describe four typical problems that often arise in merging relations and common techniques for addressing those problems.
7. Explain how each of the following types of integrity constraints is enforced in the SQL CREATE TABLE commands:
a. entity integrity
b. referential integrity
8. How are relationships between entities represented in the relational data model?
9. How do you represent an M:Nternary relationship in a relational data model?
10. What is the relationship between the primary key of a relation and the functional dependencies among all attributes within that relation?