
0508203 - scientific research methodology generate ideas

1. The following learning outcomes are tested during this assessment of assignment I , II& III

LO1:Generate ideas that help you select a suitable topic
LO2: Turning ideas into clear research questions and objectives
LO3: start to develop your research proposal.
LO4: develop the necessary research skills
LO5: help you complete the project in the time available
LO6:To conduct a preliminary search of existing material in order to start organise valuable ideas and findings

2. Handing in Format Instructions
1) Submit a hardcopy and a soft copy of your work.
2) Work must be neat and readable.
3) Staple multiple pages in the top left hand corner.
4) Number all pages

3. The content of AssignmentI and II

1) Working title:
This should closely mirror the content of your proposal. It is recognised that it may alter as your research progresses.

2) Research Questions
It may be expressed in the form of a problem which needs solving, a question that needs answering or something which you find exciting and has aroused your curiosity.

3) Literature Review
You should demonstrate some knowledge of the relevant academic literature and show where your proposal fits into this. In short, the academic literature should be your point of departure. This is not the same as the critical literature review.It will just indicate the key literature sources from which you intend to draw your ideas, and provide evidence that your research is grounded in the academic literature. Kindly try to summarize your literature the following table using three of your references.

4) Data collection and Methodology: You should explain the data collection methods you will use in your project, the methodology, choice of variables and the model of your research proposal.

5) Timescale
A time plan covering the duration of the research proposal and including all stages of the work should be prepared at the start of the work starting from 20/1/2016 to 06/04/2016 (due date)

6) References
List five references of predominantly academic literature sources to which you will refer which relate to the previous work in the area of your topic.

4. Suggested Topics for Research

1) Big Data Challenges
2) Impacts of global Climate Change and Food Security in UAE
3) Mobile banking as a mean of financial inclusion
4) Attitudes of social media users to privacy issues
5) Ways to make MBA (or Executive Education) teaching and learning more interesting
6) Life and/or business skills acquired from the MBA research process
7) Building business skills through community engagement
8) Application of Consumer Decision making styles in UAE (An Exploratory Study)
9) The effects of branding in consumer choice in UAE
10) Empowering women through microfinance in UAE
11) Measures of financial performance of Banks in UAE
12) The Relation of credit risk rating with financial ratios in UAE
13) The impact of intencives on organization productivity a case study in UAE

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Dissertation: 0508203 - scientific research methodology generate ideas
Reference No:- TGS02933097

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