01-jan-2007 was monday what day of the week lies on

Which of the following is not a leap year?

A. 1200

B. 800

C. 700

D. 2000

01-Jan-2007 was Monday. What day of the week lies on 01-Jan-2008?

A. Wednesday

B. Sunday

C. Friday

D. Tuesday


If Jan 1, 2006 was a Sunday, What was the day of the week Jan 1, 2010?

A. Friday

B. Thursday

C. Tuesday

D. Saturday

6th March, 2005 is Monday, what was the day of the week on 6th March, 2004?

A. Friday

B. Saturday

C. Wednesday

D. Sunday


What is the slope of the line passing through the points (4,6) and (-1,-2)?

[1] 4/3                   [2]  3/4                   [3]  8/5                   [4]  5/8

What was the day of the week on 17th June 1998?

A. Monday

B. Sunday

C. Wednesday

D. Friday


anuary 1, 2008 is Tuesday. What day of the week lies on Jan 1, 2009?

A. Saturday

B. Wednesday

C. Thursday

D. Saturday

The last day of a century cannot be

A. Monday

B. Wednesday

C. Tuesday

D. Friday


 On 8th Feb, 2005 it was Tuesday. What was the day of the week on 8th Feb, 2004?

A. Sunday

B. Friday

C. Saturday

D. Monday

How many days are there in x weeks x days

A. 14x

B. 8x

C. 7x2

D. 7


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Mathematics: 01-jan-2007 was monday what day of the week lies on
Reference No:- TGS01210614

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