-The program should run always until the user enters -1 to exit from the program.
- In the main, you should ask user to input any angles in degrees (Ad) and an integer number (N).
- In the main, you should check that n is a positive integer.
-Write a function (DtoR) to convert any angle from degrees Ad to radian Ar.
-Write function (fact) to calculate the factorial of any number and return the value.
-Write a function (sinus) that accepts two parameters (angle, number of elements), calls any
needed function, and returns the sinus value for Ad. The angles variable Ad could be scalar or
- In the main, you should call a user defined function (sinus) by passing the angle (Ad) and
number of elements (N) that should be included in the sum.
-In the main, you should print the angle in degrees, the equivalent angle in radians and the sinus
value for this angle.