

       Struts framework

                           J a v a Server Faces

More matured since Struts has been started for a few years. It has got various successful implementations.

   Less matured than Struts.

The heart of Struts framework is the controller,which uses the front controller configuration pattern and the  command design pattern. Struts framework has got only single event handler for the HTTP handler.

 The heart of JSF framework is the Page Controller Pattern  where there is a front controller servlet where all the faces request send through with the UI elements and then fire off events for each component and render the elements using  a  render toolkit. Also  JSF loosely couples your program, where  it may hook into your model.

Struts does not have the principle of Rapid

Application Development (RAD).

JSF was creating with a component model in mind to allow RAD. JSF may be thought of as a combination of Struts framework for thin users and  the  Java  Swing  user  interface framework for  thick users.

Has got flexible page navigation using navigation principles inside  the Action  classes and struts-config.xml  file using mapping.findForward (...) .

JSF  allows  for     a  better  design and more flexible  navigation  because the navigation principle is decoupled from  the  Action whereas Struts performs you  to  hook navigation into your Action classes.

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JAVA Programming: struts
Reference No:- TGS0157495

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