
is the hypothesis that task performance is related to

1.  __________ is the hypothesis that task performance is related to level of arousal (activation/anxiety) in an inverted U-shaped function. There is an optimum level of arousal for doing tasks.

2.  Damage to the ____________ region of the hypothalamus shuts off essential drives such as hunger and thirst.

3. Whether an individual%u2019s sexual and emotional attraction is directed toward members of the same sex, members of the opposite sex, or both sexes is called his or her _________________________.

4. According to Erikson%u2019s theory, in middle childhood (ages 6-12) a sense of competence corresponds to _________ and  feelings of inability and ineptitude correspond to __________.

5. You are trapped in the airport in St. Louis. Your late night flight to the East Coast has been cancelled and you are stuck until morning. You would be best advised to use __________ strategies to cope with your predicament.

6. Piaget held that the ability to conserve mass and volume is a characteristic sign that a child has entered the ____________ stage.

7. ____________ is an example of a hormone that plays a role in the %u201Cfight-or-flight%u201D response to stress.

8.  Formal operational thought is characterized by the ability to _______________________________ and usually begins _____________ according to Piaget.

9. Six year old Maggie can hide her mother%u2019s shoes and enjoy watching her look for them frantically. She can play a trick like this because she has developed the theory of ________.

10.  Maslow believed that all people are born with a desire to _______________; that all people are fundamentally motivated to achieve and make use of their full potential.

11. Lazarus proposed that the amount of stress a person experiences associated with an event is a function of the person%u2019s __________________________.

12. ___________ is the hormone that is present in mammals, which produces male anatomical features.

13. The three stages of Seyle%u2019s model of the physical reaction to stress are _________, _________ and _____________.

14. According to Freud, the _____ is the part of our personalities that contains all our survival-oriented, instinctual drives.

15. An example of a %u201Cformer%u201D mental illness (a human behavior or state that was once considered a disorder and is now no longer held to be such in the DSM-IV) is _______________.

16. %u201CBehavior and feelings are heavily influenced by role and status.%u201D Name a social psychology study that provided powerful evidence that this may be true: _________________________.

17. A psychotherapist who utilizes the psychological principles of Freud in his or her treatment planning is said to have a(n) ___________________ orientation.

18. Kurt Lewin%u2019s experiment provided evidence that the personality of group members could be influenced by ______________.

19. The 20th century psychiatrist (still alive) who proposed that the notion of mental illness is merely a Sociocultural %u201Cmyth%u201D is _______________.

20. ________________ is an example of a therapy for phobias and anxiety that is based on principles of behaviorism and especially classical conditioning.

21. A false or overvalued belief or system of such beliefs that is characteristic of certain psychoses is called a _________________.

22. This is a psychotic disorder that features hallucinations, delusions, and gross disorganization of personality.  It is manageable with anti-psychotic drugs, therapy and other psychosocial interventions ___________________.

23. In the famous Pygmalion in the Classroom (Rosenthal) experiment, the students who were arbitrarily labeled to be high performing late bloomers exce

24. Name a psychological scientist who proposes that there are %u201Cuniversal%u201D innate emotions that are recognizable by facial expressions across all human cultures. ______________________ Name one of those emotions. ____________.

25. Darla is a chronic liar but she always accuses everyone else of not telling the truth. Darla is most likely engaging in the Freudian defense mechanism known as _______________.

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