
describe at least three training andor certifications

Part 1: Retention Strategies

Recruiting and training staff is a costly and time-consuming enterprise. As a result, a key focus of human resources is retention of staff. It is not easy to predict what strategies will be effective for different staff members.

What is meaningful to one may be less so to another. The human resources responsibility is to develop an assortment of strategies that are most likely to have the greatest impact on a wide spectrum of employees.

How do you create an environment where employees want to work? With your selected organization in mind, prepare a Retention Strategies Report that could be utilized in the organization. Your report should include the following (3-5 pages):

• Describe the healthcare organization and its goals for retention.

• Describe three specific retention strategies that are working for this organization, and explain why they are effective.

• Evaluate specific challenges this organization has faced regarding retention.

• Analyze gaps in retention efforts this organization is faced with. Explain the ramifications of the gaps.

• Consider what the organization is planning to do to close the gap, and recommend three retention strategies that might be effective in promoting retention in this workplace.

Explain why you think the strategies would be effective in closing the gap in the retention strategies in in this organization.

Part 2: Retention Metrics

How does a human resources (HR) department know in which areas it is effective and which need improvement?

How does it know if retention strategies are working, hiring costs are in line, performance goals are met, and training/development hours are appropriately allocated and achieved?

There are many metrics that can be applied to obtain important human resources-related data and some will be more critical than others to a specific organization.

For Part 2 of your Retention Strategies Report, outline the metrics that can be applied to the organization. (4-5 pages). Include the following:

• Describe human resources metrics currently being used to evaluate outcomes of human resources functions in your organization. Explain how they are of value to the organization.

• Identify gaps in the metrics being used. Analyze what is happening as a result of these gaps.

• Consider what the organization has planned for changing their metrics, and then recommend five human resources metrics that would provide data of particular value to the organization. Include at least one metric that addresses retention and one that addresses professional development.

• Describe how you would apply the data collected from each of these metrics to improve human resources outcomes.

Part 3: Professional Development

Professional development opportunities within an organization can cover widely diverse areas; greatly impact employee satisfaction and production; influence retention; and help ensure a balanced, informed, skilled, and compliant workforce.

Professional development offerings are prompted by many factors, including legally mandated content required of all employees, such as sexual harassment training in some states, EEEO training, training for specific positions that involves certification or licensing, compliance with professional regulatory organizations, and organizational training on a myriad of job-specific topics.

The human resources manager needs to know that staff is provided the opportunities they need to succeed both within the organization and as professionals.

As Part 3 of your Retention Strategies Report (5-8 pages):

• Describe key training for at least three different positions (e.g., nurses, radiology technicians, etc.), required of the organization by state or federal regulations.

• Describe at least three training and/or certifications required by relevant accrediting bodies and professional organizations.

• Describe training/professional development opportunities currently being used by the organization that are providing value. Analyze how they are providing value to the organization and/or individual.

• Identify gaps in the training/professional development program. Recommend training/professional development opportunities that would fill those gaps. Explain how.

• Describe four training delivery methods that might be most viable in your organization. Include at least two technology-based methods. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of each.

• Recommend two training delivery options for the organization. Explain your rationale for these recommendations. Include influence of the organization's mission, vision, and values on making these selections.

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Dissertation: describe at least three training andor certifications
Reference No:- TGS02821083

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