
create a superclass student and two subclasses undergrad

* Create a superclass, Student, and two subclasses, Undergrad and Grad.

* The superclass Student should have the following data members: name, ID, grade, age, and address.

* The superclass, Student should have at least one method: boolean isPassed (double grade)

The purpose of the isPassed method is to take one parameter, grade (value between 0 and 100) and check whether the grade has passed the requirement for passing a course. In the Student class this method should be empty as an abstract method.

* The two subclasses, Grad and Undergrad, will inherit all data members of the Student class and override the method isPassed. For the UnderGrad class, if the grade is above 70.0, then isPassed returns true, otherwise it returns false. For the Grad class, if the grade is above 80.0, then isPassed returns true, otherwise returns false.

* Create a test class for your three classes. In the test class, create one Grad object and one Undergrad object. For each object, provide a grade and display the results of the isPassed method.



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Business Management: create a superclass student and two subclasses undergrad
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