Terminology: genome, chromosome, chromatin, sister chromatid, centromere, homologous chromosomes, diploid, haploid, tetrad, gamete, allele, autosome
- What is the Biological Function of meiosis? What are the locations in which it occurs
- Sexual Recombination (genetic diversity!) versus Asexual reproduction (pros and cons)
- Major Phases of Meiosis I and II- know them in order
- Crossing over (what it is, when it occurs, and consequences)
- Independent assortment (what it is, when it occurs and consequences)
-Random Fertilization (what it is, when it occurs and consequences)
-What is non-disjunction? When does it occur? What are consequences? What is Trisomy 21?
-What is a karyotype? Be able to interpret one.
-What are the human sex chromosomes, how is human sex determined?