- there should be table of contents and the guidelines should be well taken into consideration.
this is my second attempt at this assignment, i can also email you a sample of the work done before so you can see how it is outlined and presented
The assessment is based on an individual assignment to ensure that students demonstrate their abilities to apply the theory learnt in the module to the analysis or real-life business situation and to the formulation of business strategy Assume that you are a researcher working in a multinational company (it is easier if the company is fictional) based in Country A (a developed country), and that you are asked by your chief executive officer (CEO) to write a report on doing international business in Country B (a developing country). The purpose of this assignment is to help the CEO to decide if the company should engage in trade and/or investment in Country B.
You may if you wish make Country A a developing country and Country B a developed country. It is sensible to decide on real countries for Country A and B (e.g. UK and China) and a real industry for the firm (e.g. textile manufacturing). NB These are only examples. You can select any countries and any industry that you wish. It is sensible to select countries and industries for which it is easy to obtain the data that you will need. Issues to be considered in the report:
a) An analysis of the national institutional systems and cultural conditions in Country B with an assessment of how this will affect your firm within its industry. You should keep in mind the national institutional systems and cultural conditions in Country A so that you have accounted for the major differences between the systems that the firm operates in from the one it is considering operating in. When considering cultural conditions, you should avoid focusing exclusively on Hofstede's, Trompenaar's or Hall's frameworks and instead draw on a more diverse set of readings about national culture in general and culture of your chosen countries and industry specifically. Also avoid general analyses of national business systems and cultural conditions and instead provide an analysis that is relevant for your chosen industry and firm. Discuss the implications for your firm clearly.
b) An assessment of the pattern and trends of trade and investment between the two countries in your selected industry, and also consideration of the type and level of protection measures against imports and foreign investment in Country B within your industry. In this section you should indicate, in the light of the trade and investment patterns and the level of protection, what type of competitive advantages your firm would need to be successful in Country B. NB you need to keep in mind the industry that you have selected for your company.
c) An outline of the exchange regimes that govern Countries A and B with an assessment of the risks this poses for you firm. You should highlight measures that may be used to reduce these exchange rate risks. d-1) Advise on the type of political risks that the firm may encounter in Country B, their implications for your firm, and on ways to reduce this risks. OR d-2) Advise on the problems of establishing and operating a corporate social responsibility policy covering business with Country B in your industry. Please note that any discussion of the points above has to be relevant to your chosen firm and industry. At the end of the report you should come up with clear and well-grounded recommendations for your chosen company on whether it should engage in trade and/or investment in country B. Guidelines for assignment It must be noted that, following the university regulations, assignments should not exceed the required number of words. Work that exceeds the maximum permitted length will be subject as a penalty to a deduction grade equivalent to the percentage of additional words over the limit. The limit excludes references, diagrams and tables, footnotes, tables of contents and appendices.Plagiarism is an offence, and, if proved, can lead to serious consequences for the students. Students should not copy what somebody else has published, unless using quotes, acknowledging the author and clearly referencing the publications.