
- describe the organization or agency at which you served

Child Psychology Research paper

For this assignment, you have two options to choose from.

Service Learning and Reflection paper or Position Research Paper

Option #1 - Service Learning Writing Assignment

You will need to complete The Service Learning Agreement and Release (for each service learning site you visit). Your paper will not be graded unless all forms have been submitted. You will be required to complete 10 hours of service learning working directly with children or adolescents, and then write a reflection paper, from 3 separate visits, addressing the following points:

- Describe the organization or agency at which you served, including it missions and goals and where your service effort fit (if you only worked with one site, you only need to do this once).

- Give a detailed description of the work that you did (and/or continue to do), including a description of those with whom you worked, the actual activities you did, and the organizations goals for your work. What did you learn about the people with whom you worked or served? Do you feel differently about them now than you did when you started the project? In what ways has your service caused you to reexamine your values, beliefs, or behaviors? Explain.

- Explain why the work you did is important to you and to the organization. Why does the community need exist? How do you see your participation in service learning benefiting individuals, the neighborhood, your community, your state? Be specific.

- In what ways has your service learning made the course material relevant (or vice versa)? Be specific and provide concrete examples. This is the core of the assignment. Take your experience and connect with material from the textbook. Explain the theory presented in the book (cite in APA) and directly connect to your service experience. For each paper, you must make a minimum of 5 connections. Include a reference page in APA.

Option #2 - Applied Child Development Position Research Paper

Choose a problem and write a position paper to an appropriate audience that suggest at least one solution. Your Position Statement Paper will explore the dynamics of child development as well as the social factors that influence it. Additionally, this paper can focus on studying the effects of educational institutions, intervention programs, policies on children's development, achievement and well-being that impact a child's development and finally in your paper, you will make recommendation to correct flaws in the system.

After reviewing a brief history on your topic, you will then offer your position statement on the issue researched. In your paper, define and limit the scope of your problem, formulate one or more solutions and identify the audience for your position paper. Your opinion must be based on evidence. Do library research or consult experts to get facts you need to convince your audience that your solution(s) is viable.

The paper need to be 6 pages in length (not including cover page and reference page), in-text citation and references needs to follow APA format. A minimum of 6 resources are required with 4 resources being from scholarly journals (please ask me if you need guidance).

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Dissertation: - describe the organization or agency at which you served
Reference No:- TGS01698593

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