
  Plasmodium and Malaria

Plasmodium and Malaria:

Malaria is a mosquito borne disease caused by protozoan, Plasmodium. The life cycle of malaria parasite includes in two phase’s viz. the asexual phase in man and the sexual phase in the female Anopheles mosquito (i.e., Definitive host).

Four different kinds of Malaria are recognized on the basis of period of repetition of fever. They are:

1. Tertian, Benign Tertian or Vivax malaria, caused by the Plasmodium vivax. 
2. Quartan Malaria caused by Plasmodium malaria.
3. Mild Tertian or Ovale Malaria caused by the Plasmodium ovale.
4. Malignant Tertian or Pernicious Malaria caused by the Plasmodium falciparum. Out of the four, the malignant kind is fatal.

In malarial fever, the patient goes through from shaking chills, and sweating.  As the chills subside, the body temperature might increase to 106 oF. The high fever is persuaded by the toxic haemozoin granules, which are liberated in plasma whenever the parasite schizonts burst out from the RBCS. The patient also suffers from rigorous anaemia due to destruction of erythrocytes.  The other symptoms are enlargement of spleen, due to massive raise in the number of phagocytic cells of the lymphoid macrophage system.  In the situation of falciparum infection thrombosis of visceral capillaries takes place. Death occurs whenever the capillaries of brain are plugged with both the parasites and the malarial pigment. The other very serious output of the falciparum infection is black water fever.  It is characterized by the nutritious destruction of patient’s erythrocytes and the excretion of discharged haemoglobin in the urine.


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