
  System Fundamentals

Introduction of System Fundamentals

System  a term. Hides so many  things in itself. The word  system  has come from the  Greek word  system which means an organized  relationship  among the components . a system  is generally defined as.

A  system is an orderly grouping of interdependent  components linked together  according  to a plan to achieve   a specific objective.

The  component may  be either any physical part of the system or it may be any subsystem in a multi level structure. So  it can be  said,  that a system is composed  of subsystems  which  may  themselves be made  up of other subsystems. These subsystems are  interconnected  with  each other in some  way. The interconnections between subsystem  are known as interfaces. Additionally a system and all subsystem must have their own  boundaries. An example of a system is a computer system  which is the collection  of its components a keyboard a monitor , a mouse,  etc. These components ( or  subsystems)  are linked with each other by  means  of some interfaces.  Another example  is a pen a pen includes three to four  of its components its back  part, front part, cap and a riffle, and proper interfacing  is provided among  its components.

As such  the concept of system  requires  the system  analyst  to look  at the  system as a whole  but the  complete  system  is so  large to be analysed in detail , so  it is  factored or  partitioned into  subsystems. In  the figure first a system subsystems structure is shown. The  partitioning  of system  components  starts from the level. And continues until the  subsystems are small  enough in size to be processed easily.  So it may go to the level . iIn figure first it is shown up to level 3  where a system  has two subsystem  A and B  and    A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, B3 and B4 are  small  components  of these two subsystems.


Figure: System Subsystem structure

At  the lowest  level, the  subsystem are small  enough  in size  so that they can be processed directly. in such  partitioning  process, it leads to a very large number of input or output  interfaces among  the subsystems. The formula  to calculate  the number of interfaces is given as:


Where n is the number  of subsystem.

Not all subsystem  will interface but  even  a small number of subsystems    can require a large  number of interfaces. To overcome  this problem  the groupings of those  components are made  which  have very  close  relationships with   each other. This general  description embraces a vast range of system .

Another  aspect related  to the  subsystems is that  subsystems may be  either  simpler or complex. For  an example  a system  has  subsystems1, 2, and 3,shows its 3 level structure.


Figure: Three level structure of a system

From the figure below ,it  is easy  to understand that subsystems 1 at level 2 is a simple one, which  cannot  be divided further  whereas subsystems 2 and  3 the  complex ones at level 2 which  are needed to be further divided on. Comparative to subsystems 1, 2 and 3,  a system at level 1 is  a typical  complex systems that is why  if is needed to be  partitioned.

Nowadays , the idea of systems  has become  more   practical and  necessary in conceptualizing  the interrelationships and integration of operations  especially when using  computers. In  system concerns , the man made systems  who involve  human factors  to build  the system involve inputs  processes  and output , and  build  the IPO  model, as shown in figure below.


Figure: IPO model

A man made system has a set of interacting components responding to  produce outputs. The processes in a manmade system usually employ various types of elements like physical procedural, conceptual, social etc. For an example a production system makes use  of production equipments, production  control procedures, rules  and  regulations  of production and  production  employees. All types of systems follow this IPO model.

With this brief introduction  of systems , we can imagine various type of systems  with which we are surrounded by like  a school , a car, a hospital, a hotel, a human body, an industry , a banking system  an educational system, a transportation system, a library management system, the  solar system , a computer systems and so  on.  Each  one is  a separate system and composed  of their  respective  components.

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