
  System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Introduction to System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

System development life cycle is also known as the system life cycle problem solving cycle, system development  cycle. System development and system study.

Perhaps, the simplest view of this life cycle is a sequence of tasks, an approach that was used in the early days of developing computer based system. It is in the nature of system that they share a common life cycle pattern. After a system has been in operation for a number of years. It matures over time, become less and less effective because of the changing environment to which it has to adapt and eventually dies. Generally. It  is  seen that the minor modifications  or changes    do not make  much  effect, so  either  the major  changes are required to accommodate the new technologies  attributes  requirements software hardware resource  etc. Or the system has to be developed again. The system development should be restructured with new concepts, the problems are removed and additional features are included. So the new system development follows the effective system development life cycle. To be reliable and of good performance. The system development life cycle is defined as:

A system development life cycle is the evolutionary process that followed in implementing a computer based system or subsystem.

It can also be stated as:

A system  development  life  cycle is a framework consisting  of a series  of various different  tasks to achieve  the specific centralized objective  in the development  of a system .SDLC is an  application  of the systems approach to the task  of developing and using computer based system . As such the SDLC is a methodology but its pattern is being influenced by their need to develop the system more quickly.

Some Related Issue

Before discussing the various phases of the system development life cycle, some important issue related to the system   development have to be considered:

1. A system development  process must include an understanding  of the system , creating  models , making   decisions  in what  is to be done  and planning  the work. There are some questions to be answered:

Should system developers follow a defined set of steps?

Should they be given the freedom to own their creativity?

But if they are free then how do we ensure that the system will be built on time and at minimum cost?

So good development life cycles must obtain a balance between the structure and freedom.

2. A development process must balance all of these needs to ensure about completion while supporting freedom needed to ensure creativity. System designers should not just continue to create new ideas without ever putting them into practice. So they should not simply implement the first design they think of using a set of strict process rules.

Some other are:

1. First and foremost, the system should meet the original user requirements.

2. The trend should be introduction of various checks during the process to ensure that the number of error on completions minimized.

3. When  the whole  system is built and tested then    it should work  without  any error  and it should  meet  all the  user  requirements.

4. Next criteria are of quality. Quality is generally defined as to produce error free system that meets user requirements with minimum effort. So quality  assurance checks  are applied  time  to time  during  the development  process  that system  requirement  are properly  met, not  lost  changed.

5. Quality assurance mechanisms include validation of outputs from various activities against original requirements. They also include verification of individual activities to ensure whether each activity converts its output back into its input correctly and accurately or not. At last also includes the testing of working components.

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