
  System Characteristics

Introduction to System Characteristics

Any system comprises of some  characteristics which play  important  role in the system  development. There are basic seven  system  characteristics to be defined as given  below:

1. Goal central Objective

2. Organization

3. Interdependence

4. Integration

5. Interaction

6. Equifinality

7. Entropy

1. Goal central  Objective :   A  system  must  have s unique, static and central objective . this  objective may be real  or stated. The real objective is defined  as an  objective  we are going  to achieve or have  achieved. But  the stated objective may  or may  not be  the real objective  because if we achieve whatever we have stated then the  stated objective  becomes  the real one. Otherwise  if there is any  difference between  the stated objective  and our achievement, then they  are not same.

2. Organization : An  organization concerns with the structure and arrangement of the  components of the  system to achieve the mentioned objectives . let us consider an engineering college staff member structure, as shown  in figure below.

In  the figure below a hierarchical structure is shown . at the  top level there is the head of the college, who  has his command on the technical and non technical staff members, shown at the lower levels. Here we can  see that  the order does matter.  The order must be followed sequentially. Any  component in independent manner can t work . so  all  the  components must  be linked together to from  a whole system.


3. Interdependence : All the components of a system  depend upon each other. The  output of one  component acts as the input  of the next component.  The whole system  will work properly when  all the components  will  together according to a plan. The unrelated and independent components don t constitute a system rather they are considered as the isolated components, not being the part of the whole system. So  no subsystems can function in  isolation because it depends upon the data (inputs) it  receives from its  previous  subsystem to perform  its  required tasks. The tasks dependency can be understood as shown in figure below.


Any customer depends upon the developer to build the software. At the  developer site the  various activities like analysis design, programming  and operations depend upon each other , an are performed in the sequential manner as shown in the figure above. so the output of one component will act as  the input  for the  next component of the system. These interactions and relationships among the  components are called as the synergism.

4. Integration: Integration  is required to assemble all the  components or subsystems of  the system . so  when  all the parts of the system are linked together according to a plan.  The system performs a specific job.  Successful integration  provides a synergistic effect.

5. Interaction: Interaction can be done  only through  the interrelationships of the components of the system. so interaction  refers to the manner in which each  components function with other components of the system. consider an example of computer system  architecture , as shown in figure below.


All the components of the  computer system are interrelated with each other in some manner. They  are able to interact with  each other either directly or indirectly . Like if CPU requires any program for some computation. Which is save in the main memory. Then it interacts with main memory. Even data and information can be transferred.

6. Equifinality: In this feature, a system can accomplish its objectives with varying inputs  and varying processes. There is no one best way of achieving the objectives. A system should exhibit the equifinality i.e. can reach the same final result from different initial conditions and by various routes.  There should be many alternatives to achieve the same objective from the initial stage.

7. Entropy  : entropy  means disorder. A system exhibit entropy i.e. is moves towards disorganization. Such  system do not interact with their changing environment.  For  example a firm which is not sensitive to customer demand  will eventually decline.

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