
  Software Development Life Cycle (SWDLC)

Introduction to Software Development Life Cycle (SWDLC)

A software development life cycle is an abstract representation of gradual development and evolution of the software that undergoes a series of sequential or concurrent steps of the software development process. Each of these steps results in the development of a software   product which maybe either a minor or major components of the software system in contribution to the completion of the system. Each step requires some input and produces some form of output which further becomes the input of the next step. This process goes on in stepwise fashion until the software product is developed fully.

The software development life cycle consists of following steps: and they are shown diagrammatically in fig2.1

1. Requirement Analysis

2. Design

3. Coding

4. Module Level Testing

5. Integration  and System Testing

6. Delivery, Implementation  and Maintenance

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1. Requirement Analysis:

This step is the first and primary step of software development life cycle which analysis the requirements of the software. It is performed after the feasibility study has been done.

The requirement term in this concern can be understood as:

A condition or capability needed by a customer to solve a problem and.

A condition or capability that must be met by a system. Software document manual report etc.

To analyze the requirement, this step is defined as to identify and document the exact requirements of the software which can be fulfilled with the initial step of communication between the customer and the developer. In such communication, they discuss the real and actual requirements required by the software.

As the result of this step. The software requirement specification SRS is prepared which takes the form of table 2.1 this SRS format is described in detail in chapter 5.

2. Design

With full and complete understanding of the requirement analysis phase, the next step is designing of the software. This step is divided into level designing. Named as, preliminary design of high level design and detailed design or low level designs.

Preliminary design concerns the brief overview of the software architecture and structure rather than goes into the details of the module. This design is refined by designing each module in detail in detailed design. As the result of this step, it produces the software design specification (SDS) SDS is built to have.

Software architecture in the layered sequential layout.

Data structures, algorithms, control structures.

The interfaces required for the software. And

The satisfaction that requirements have been met in the design.

This step makes the clear distinction between the requirement analysis stop and the design step by using the term what. how. what  term, what is the  problem  is included  in the requirement  analysis step  whereas the how term, how  the problem will be  solve  out  refers to  the design step.

3. Coding

This is the phase that produces the actual code that will be delivered to the customer as the operational product. To develop the code a specific programming language is chosen either through its features or directly specified by the customer.

4. Module level testing

Individual developed modules are tested here. It is also called as unit testing. This testing is performed for each of the module separately.

5. Integration and System Testing

All the modules are collected and integrated appropriately with each other. Interface is provided among them and then the whole system is tested fully.

7.  Delivery, Implementation and Maintenance

Once the complete system is tested then that system is delivered to the   customer who will implement it on its organization   site. After delivery, any modification or changes can be made to help   in maintenance.

This is the complete software development life cycle. This is the basic general process which is followed to develop each software product. Now in the next section, various process models are discussed, whose basis is the above mentioned sequential steps only and as the results of their life cycle the complete software will be developed.

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