

Introduction to Inheritance

Inheritance is the  phenomenon by which  objects of one class acquire the properties of  objects  of another  class. It support the concept of hierarchical classification. It also  introduces the concepts  to of  reusability  is adding additional features to an existing class without modifying it. This is possible by deriving  a new class from the existing one. The new  class will have the combined features of both classes. For an  example the class person in section7.4.2, is general enough to represent  the base of all  types of people  but not  specific enough  to really be of any  use.  

Considering  again the class person which respect to intieritance as shown in fig 7.8, where person  is a super  class and an  employee and a student are subclasses of it.  So these subclasses can inherit the features of their super class person. In this  hierarchy at each level, new  attributes and operation s may be added t those that have  been inherited from higher level in the  hierarchy.

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So we need to build some separate entities ( sub classes) that have  the attributes of the class person but also  have some  additional features  that make them different  from the parent class. An employee is a person  but some different  attributes are  used to define  it  like salary, tax Id title and department. Similarly a student  may be defined by his  standard Roll no. And Rank.

It should  be noted that any  change to the  data  or operations contained within a super class is immediately inherited by all subclasses of that  super class. Therefore  the class hierarchy become a mechanism through  which a change can be  immediately propagated through  a system.

Multiple Inheritances

When class  inherit some attributes and operations from one class and others  from any  other class it refers to the multiple inheritance. This complicates the class hierarchy an creates potential  problem in cong figuration control. Because multiple  inheritance sequences are difficult to trace changes in the definition of a class that  resides high  in the  hierarchy so it may have an unintended  impact on class defined  lower in  the architecture .

Forms of Inheritance

Inheritance is classified according  to the levels  of inheritance an interrelation among   the classes involved in the  inheritance  processes. The classification is given below:

1. Single Inheritance

2. Multiple Inheritance

3. Hierarchical Inheritance

4. Multillevel Inheritance

5. Hybrid Inheritance

6. Multipath Inheritance

Benefits of Inheritance

There  are some  advantages of using  the inheritance principle as given below:

  • The inherited code that provides the required functionalities does not have to be rewritten. Such tradability decreases the maintenance cost because of sharing by all the users.
  • Code  sharing can occur at several levels with  reusable  code available. So  only  that  development  time for  understanding  the portion of the system which is new one. So time required is less or reduced.

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