
  Restorative Justice Assignment Help

Restorative Justice:

It is a new movement in the fields of criminology or victimology. Restorative justice is a theory of justice which emphasizes repairing the harm revealed or caused by criminal behavior. This is best accomplished through cooperative procedure that includes all stakeholders.

Practices & programs reflecting restorative purposes will respond to crime by following:

• Recognizing and taking steps to fix harm, 
• Involving all  of the stakeholders, and
• Transforming the traditional relationship among communities and their governments in responding to crime.

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Restorative justice is a victim-centered response to crime which provides chances for those most directly affected by crime the offender, the victim, their families, and representatives of the community to be involved directly in responding to the harm caused through the crime. Restorative justice is depend upon values that emphasize the significance of providing chances for more active involvement in the procedure of: offering support & assistance to crime victims; directly holding offenders accountable to the communities and people they have violated; restoring the material or emotional losses of victims (to the degree possible); providing a range of opportunities for problem solving  or dialogue among interested crime, offenders, , victims , families and other support persons; offering offenders opportunities for competency development & reintegration to productive community life; and strengthening public security through community building.

Key assumptions:

The restorative justice framework is depending on the following assumptions:

A) Crime results in injuries to communities, victims and offenders.

B) All of the parties must be included in the response to crime comprising the offender, the community, and the victim if they desire.

C) The victim is central to the procedure of describing the harm and how it may be repaired.

D) Accountability is depending on accepting responsibility and repairing the harm done.

E) Crime is described as an act against another person & the community, instead of an act against the state. The state has an interest in solving the difficulty however not the primary actor is. The offender becomes accountable to the victim & the community, not any state.

F) Restoration or making things right replaces the imposition of punishment for its own sake as the uppermost priority of the system. Restitution would become general, not the exception.

G) Results in a restorative justice model are measured not by how much punishment was inflicted, however by how much reparation was obtained.

H) Crime control rests with the social system primarily. The criminal justice system can have just a marginal impact on the level of crime since it can only respond to crime after it happen.

I) Offenders is accountable for their individual choices; however communities are also accountable for the conditions which might exist that contribute to crime.

Principles of restorative justice:

Three main principles form the foundation for restorative justice are following:

A) Justice needs that we work to restore those who have been injured.
B) Those most directly included and affected by crime must have the chance to participate fully in the response if they desire.
C) Government's role is to protect a just public order, and the community's is to build and maintain peace.

Key values of Restorative programs:

Restorative programs are characterized via four key values which are following:

Encounter:  Develop opportunities for offenders, victims & community members who desire to do so to meet to discuss the crime and its aftermath

Amends:  Expect offenders to take steps to repair the harm they have caused

Reintegration:  search for to restore victims & offenders to whole, contributing in members of society

Inclusion:  Provide chance for parties with a stake in a particular crime to participate in its resolution

“Restorative justice” is narrowly sometimes utilized to refer to programs that bring influenced parties together to agree on how to reply to crime (it might be called the encounter conception of restorative justice).  It is utilized more generally by others to refer to a theory of prevention and reparation that would effects all criminal justice (the reparative conception).  At last, it is utilized most broadly to refer to a belief that the preferred response to all of the conflict indeed to all of life is peacemaking from dialogue and agreement of the parties.

Restorative justice is a theory of justice which emphasizes repairing the harm occurred or revealed via unjust behavior. Restoration is best completed through inclusive and cooperative procedure.


The given terminology will be used:

1) The circumstances that restorative justice addresses:

a) Harm: damage, injury or loss.

b) Injustice: the result while someone violates enforceable norms builds to govern behavior among people in a community, group or society: It includes not only violations of criminal law but of other enforceable regulations like student conduct codes in workplace rules, schools and so forth.

2) Approaches to responding to harm:

a) Reparation: an approach which seeks to repair the harm revealed or caused by the injustice as completely possible.

b) Retaliation: an approach which intentionally imposes harm, sometimes disproportionate harm, on the wrongdoer in return for the harm made to the victim.

3) Approaches to responding to injustice:

a) Peace building: an approach which seeks to use respectful dialogue & agreement to recognizes the injustice and take steps toward making things right.

b) Imposition of order: a coercive approach which compels the parties to agree to a resolution find out by a third party.

4) Alternative philosophies for responding to harm and injustice:

a) While imposition of order and retaliation scheme is applied to injustice and harm, the result is traditional, contemporary criminal justice.

b) While reparation approaches and peace building are applied to and injustice and harm, the result is restorative justice.

  • Restorative justice: It is a response to injustice which emphasizes repairing harm caused (and, as feasible, harm revealed) through the crime, by using respectful dialogue and agreement amongst the parties whenever possible.
  • Restorative justice programs might find it essential to use some forms of imposition of order in certain instances while the parties fail to cooperate. Though, they do not at any particular point adopt retaliation in responding to the harm made by an offence.

5) Elements of a restorative response to injustice:

a) Restorative procedure: meetings of parties which take place in aftermath of an injustice while those parties are wish to use respectful dialogue and agreement to determine the responsibilities and interests of each. This is preferable for these meetings to engage face-to-face conversations via the parties, but they might also contain indirect forms of communication via audio- or videotape, letter or an intermediary.

b) Restorative outcome: the agreement which results from a restorative procedure.

c) Reparative order: a decision by a judicial or otherwise official third party which offenders whose matter can’t be solve via a restorative process ought to compensate or otherwise offer reparation to parties who were harmed.

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