
  Reaction Illustrations Homework Help - K-12 Grade Level, College Level Chemistry

Reaction Illustration

Examples of Organic Reactions

1. Ionic Reactions

By the following three examples the principles and terms introduced in previous sections can now be summarized and illustrated. Reactions like these are called polar or ionic reactions because they often involve charged species and bonding together of nucleophiles and electrophiles. The Ionic reactions generally take place in liquid solutions where solvent molecules help the formation of charged intermediates.

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The Substitution reaction demonstrated in the diagram can be viewed as taking place in three steps. The 1st is acid-base equilibrium, in which the HCl protonates the oxygen atom of the alcohol. Resulting conjugate acid then loses water, in 2nd step to give a carbocation intermediate. At last this electrophile combines with the chloride anion nucleophile to give the final product.

The addition reaction demonstrated in the diagram can be viewed as taking place in two steps. With pi-electrons of the carbon-carbon double bond functioning as a base first step can again be considered an acid-base equilibrium. Resulting conjugate acid is a carbocation and this electrophile combines with the nucleophilic bromide anion.

Elimination reaction demonstrated in the diagram takes place in only one step. Bond making and breaking operations that take place in this step are illustrated by the curved arrows. Initial stage may also be viewed as an acid-base interaction with the hydroxide ion serving as the base and a hydrogen atom component of the alkyl chloride as an acid.

There are several types of molecular rearrangements. The illustrations shown in the diagram are from an major class called tautomerization or more particularly, keto-enol tautomerization. The Tautomers are rapidly interconvert constitutional isomers, generally distinguished by a differently located double bond and a different bonding location for a labile hydrogen atom (red in color in the diagram). Equilibrium between tautomers is not only rapid under normal conditions but it often strongly favors one of the isomers (acetone, for example, is 99.999% keto tautomer). Even in this type of one-sided equilibria, confirmation for presence of the minor tautomer comes from the compound's chemical behavior. By traces of acids or bases that are generally present in most chemical samples the Tautomeric equilibria are catalyzed.

Because several ionic reactions proceed by bonding interactions between nucleophiles and electrophiles, it is essential to know how these qualities differ from compound to compound and how they may be improved by acid or base catalysts.

2. Radical Reactions

If chlorine gas is mixed with the methane gas and exposed to sunlight an explosive reaction takes place in which chlorinated methane products are produced along with hydrogen chloride. Unbalanced equation demonstrating this reaction is shown in the following equation; a relative amount of the several products depends on the proportion of two reactants that are used.

CH4   +   Cl2   +   energy ---> CH3Cl   +   CH2Cl2   +   CHCl3   +   CCl4   +   HCl

Gas phase reactions, like the chlorination of methane, do not generally proceed via ionic intermediates. The Strong facts point out that neutral radical intermediates, sometimes called the free radicals play an important role in this and several other similar transformations. Radical is an molecular or atomic species having an unpaired or odd electron. Some radicals, like nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and nitric oxide (NO) are relatively stable but most of them are so reactive that isolation and long-term study under normal conditions is not possible.

chain reaction  is a set of the radical reactions, can account for all the facts that are observed for this process.

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Reaction is get start by the input of energy that is heat or light. To give chlorine atoms, the Weak chlorine-chlorine bond is broken homolytically. In these 2 reactions radical intermediates abstract an atom from one of reactant molecules. In the first step if chlorine atom abstracts hydrogen from methane, resulting methyl radical abstracts a chlorine atom from chlorine in the second step regenerating a chlorine atom. Thus, this is a chain reaction.

Principally, until one or both of the reactants are consumed the chain reaction should continue. In practice though, this type of reactions stop before completion and have to be reinitiated. This is happens when two radical intermediates combine and meet to provide a stable molecule, so terminating the chain of reactions. Because the radical intermediates are present in very low concentration and are very reactive, the probability that two that type of intermediates will collide is small. Subsequently, chain reaction will proceed via so many cycles before the occurrence of termination.

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