
  Industrial production of penicillin

Industrial production of penicillin:

Penicillin is generated on large scale in a commercially devised fermenter that gives optimum growth situation to Penicillium chrysogenum for maximum outcome.

Following are the steps included for the production of penicillin:

1) Inoculate 100 ml medium into 500 ml Erlenmeyer flask through spores of Penicillium chrysogenum strain and incubate at 25oC by keep them on the rotary shaker.

2) Subsequent to 4 days, transfer the content of container to the other container (4 liter capacity) having 2 liters of medium and incubate 2 days.

3) Transfer the substance to a stainless steel tank (i.e., 800 liter capacity) having 500 liters of medium. This tank is equipped in such a manner that it could give the optimum situation for fungal growth.

4) After 3 days, employ the contents for inoculation of around 1,80,000 liter medium kept in fermenter (i.e., 2,50,000 liter capacity). The later is equipped with automatic devices to optimum growth circumstances.

5) Filter the content of fermenter subsequent to 6 days incubation.

Filtrate has penicillin. Extract the penicillin into amyl - or butyl acetate. From it transfer penicillin to aqueous solvent by extracting with phosphate buffer. From a butanol water mix crystallize the potassium penicillin.

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Figure: Penicillin in production


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