
  Inclusions of Chlamydia

Inclusions of Chlamydia:

Completely formed intracellular inclusions are viewed in cytoplasm.

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Figure: Inclusion body

They are viewed as compact mass near the nucleus. They emerge dark purple whenever stained with Giemsa and Red with Macchiavello stains. Whenever stained with Lugol’s Iodine they emerge as brown inclusions.

In Trachoma, Inclusion conjunctivitis and LGV inclusion body comprises of a colony of small (i.e., elementary and large reticulate) particles of differing proportions.


Trachoma is a particular kerato conjunctivitis caused by Chl.trachomatis, severe complex cases might lead to partial or net loss of vision. Severe cases take place in endemic regions.


It is caused by Chl. trachomatis sero group A, B1, B2, & C.

Epidemiology of Trachoma:

It takes place throughout the world. There is no relation to climate or race. It is a severe public health problem in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Spread is from eye to eye via direct or indirect contact with infected material. Extraocular location takes place and is mainly genital. Venereal transmission does take place. Whenever the agent localizes in cervix uteri infection of the newborn takes place identical to inclusion conjunctivitis.

In endemic regions, severity of the disease is influenced by the duration of illness, occurrence of relapse or re-infection. Association with Haemophilus and Moraxella obscures disease. In endemic regions complication might be seen in young children. Spread of infection is facilitated by utilization of general towels, eye cosmetics, contaminated water for washings, and presence of flies.


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