
  Operation Research Assignment Help

We at TutorsGlobe endeavor to serve our students and meet up all their academic needs with utmost care and high dedication. Approach our professional Operation Research Assignment Help tutors today and give farewell to all your worries and say hello to academic success!

Foundation of Operations Research:

The name Operations Research (OR) was initially established by MC Closky and Trefthen in 1940 in a small town named Bowdsey of UK. The chief origin of OR was in the period of second world war - The  military commands of UK and USA engaged various multi-disciplinary groups of scientists to undertake scientific research into vigilant and tactical military processes.

Scientist's mission was to make specific proposals and to reach at the decision on optimum utilization of limited military resources and also to execute the decisions efficiently and effectively. In simple words, it was to discover the techniques that can give best results with little efforts. Therefore it had gain recognition and was known as "An art of winning the war without really fighting it"

The word Operations Research (OR) was invented because the group of scientist was handling with research and study on military operations. The encouraging results achieved by British OR teams encouraged US military management to initiate with similar activities. The effort of OR team was given several names in US: Operational Analysis, Operations Research, Operations Evaluation, System Research, System Analysis, Systems Evaluation and so on.

The first and foremost method in this course was simplex method of linear programming which was developed in 1947 by G.B Dantzig, USA. Since then, various novel techniques and applications have been invented to provide high profit from minimum costs.

Now OR activities has become commonly applicable to all the areas like transportation, libraries, hospital management, agriculture, financial institutions, city planning, construction management and so forth. 

Concept and Definition of Operation Research - OR:

Operations research indicates research on operations. It is the organized implication of mathematics, modern science and computer techniques to complicated government, military, business or industrial problems occurs in the direction and management of huge systems of material, men, money and machines. The aim is to provide the management with assessment of complex situations and explicit quantitative understanding so as to give sound basics for reaching at best decisions.

Operations research search for the optimum state in all conditions and consequently provides optimum solution to organizational problems and troubles.

Definition: OR is a scientific methodology - experimental, analytical and quantitative - which by analyzing the overall implications of several alternative courses of action in a management system gives an enhanced and improved basis for management decisions.

Need Operation Research Assignment Help - Homework Help?

We at www.tutorsglobe.com have very experienced tutors in operation research & methodology. Highly qualified and skilled operation research tutors can provide you finest service in operation researchbased academic tasks. We prepare your operation research paperwork with best quality and 100% plagiarism free answers following each and every step. Once received our tutor's help, a student can find answer for same kind of operation research problems in future without any external help. Email based assignment help - management homework help service is quite easy for all students and they no more need extra knowledge to book a tutor for their problems. Just submit your questions and get quick reply from specialized tutor with expected delivery time and fees. So what are you waiting for, Let's see why TutorsGlobe for operation research assignment help

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Most common topics of Operations Research covered by our professional experts:

Here are some most common topics that have been covered by experts. Let's have a glance:

  • Decision Tree Approach
  • Simulation Model
  • Operations Research System
  • Flow Variability
  • Analysis of Flow Time
  • Operations Research System
  • Value Stream Mapping
  • Process Flow and the Steps
  • Operations Management and Strategy
  • Flowchart and Its Design
  • Lean Operations
  • USAID Flow Chart

All the experts associated with TutorsGlobe are equipped with in-depth subject knowledge and extensive experience to deal with any kind of topic precisely.

So, why look for anymore, when you have the right choice in front of you? Avail the most reliable and trustworthy tutors at your service and get quality-driven Operation Research Assignment Help service at the best price range and take your first step towards academic success!

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