
  Experiments to prove particle and wave

Experiments to prove particle and wave property of Electrons:

a) Verification of Wave character:

i) Davisson and Germer’s Experiment:

In the year 1927 Davisson and Germer noticed that, a beam of electrons acquired from a heated tungsten filament is accelerated by employing a high positive potential. Whenever this fine beam of accelerated electron is permitted to drop on a large single crystal of nickel, the electrons are scattered from crystal in various directions.

The diffraction pattern thus obtained is alike to the diffraction pattern acquired by Bragg’s experiment on diffraction of X-rays from a target in similar manner.

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                                               Figure: Electron diffraction experiment by Davisson and Germer

As X-rays have wave character, thus, the electrons should also have wave character related with them. Furthermore, the wave length of the electrons as established by the diffraction experiments were found to be in agreement with the values computed from de-Broglie equation.

From the above conversation, it is clear that an electron acts as a wave.

ii) Thomson’s experiment:

G.P. Thomson in the year1928 executed experiments with thin foil of gold in place of nickel crystal. He noted that when the beam of electrons after passing via the thin foil of gold is received on the photographic plate located perpendicular to the direction of the beam, a diffraction pattern is noted as before (figure shown below).

This again verified the wave nature of electrons.


                               Figure: Diffraction of electron beam by thin foil of gold (i.e., G.P. Thomson experiment)

b) Verification of the particle character:

The particle character of the electron is verified by the different experiments explained below:-

i) Whenever an electron strikes a zinc sulphide screen, a spot of light termed as scintillation is formed. Scintillation is localized on the zinc sulphide screen. Thus the striking electron which generates it also should be localized and is not spread out on the screen. However the localized character is possessed by particles. So electron has particle character.

ii) Experiments like J.J.Thomson’s experiment for determination of ratio of the charge to mass (that is, e/m) and Milliken oil drop experiment for the determination of charge on electron also illustrate that electron has particle character.

iii) The phenomenon of Photoelectric effect and Black body radiation also confirm the particle nature of radiation.


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