
  Life Cycles of Seed Plants, Biology tutorial

Generalized Life cycle of seed Plants:

Seed plants are heterosporus that is they encompass two different spore sizes namely, the microspores and megaspores. The generalized life cycle of plants has been transformed to describe plants which have separate female and male gametophytes (mega gametophyte and micro gametophyte) generated by different sized spores (megaspores & microspores).

The evolutionary trend from non-vascular plants to seedless vascular plants to seed plants consists of been a reduction in the size of the gametophyte. In seed plants, the gametophyte is generally microscopic and is maintained in the tissues of the sporophyte. The mega sporangium is bounded by layers of sporophyte tissue termed as the integument. The integument and the structures in (megasporangium, megaspore) are the ovule. Microspores germinate in the sporophyte tissue and become pollen grains. The microgametophyte is contained in the tough, shielding coat of the pollen grain.

The whole microgametophyte (that is, pollen grain) is transferred to the vicinity of the megagametophyte by a procedure of pollination. Wind or animals generally achieve this transfer. If pollen reaches the female gametophyte, it generates an elongate structure (that is, pollen tube) which grows to the egg cell. Sperm are transferred directly via this tube to the egg. The benefit of this procedure is that sperm don't have to swim long distances as they do in the seedless plants

The seeds of gymnosperms include the sporophyte embryo, food for the embryo and a protective coat. The embryo in the seed is dormant; it can survive for long periods devoid of additional food or water. If conditions become favorable, the embryo resumes growth as the seed germinates. Gymnosperms contain naked seeds. 

General Stages in the Life-cycle of Flowering Plants:

The plant life-cycle begins when a seed falls on the ground. There are many different types of plant life, however the flowering plants or angiosperms are the most widespread and advanced due to their high capability to attract pollinators and spread seeds. Flowers are much beautiful objects to look at or decorate with; they serve up a very vital reason in the reproduction of plants. The main phases of the flower life-cycle are the seed, germination, growth, reproduction, pollination and spreading of seed stages.

Seed Stage:

The plant life-cycle begins with a seed; each seed holds a miniature plant termed as the embryo. There are two kinds of flowering plant seeds: dicots and monocots. An illustration of a dicot is a bean seed. It consists of two parts termed as cotyledons in addition to the embryo. The cotyledons stock up food for the plant. Cotyledons are as well the first leaves that a plant has-they appear from the ground all through germination. Monocots encompass only one cotyledon, the corn seed is an illustration. Both types of seeds have the starting of a root system as well. The hard exterior of the seed is termed as the seed coat and it protects the embryo. A few seeds are able of growing even after many years when they are kept cool and dry.


If a seed falls on the ground, it requires warmth and water in order to germinate; a few seeds as well require light. Dicots have seed coats which soften with moisture. Subsequent to being planted in the soil for some days, the seed absorbs water and swells till the seed coat splits. Monocots have tough seed coats that don't split, however stay in one piece. The stem, termed as the hypocotyl, pushes via the soil all along with the cotyledons or seed leaves; this is termed as germination or sprouting. The small root pushes down and grows, searching for nutrients and water. In a little while, the cotyledons fall off and the primary true leaves emerge. It is significant that the seed is planted in the right place at the right time in order for it to germinate or develop.


In order to finish the flower life-cycle phase of growth, plants have to prepare their own food. This procedure is termed as photosynthesis. As soon as the leaves come out, they begin the procedure of photosynthesis. Plants have chloroplasts in the leaves which transform the energy from sunlight, carbon-dioxide and water into sugars, which they utilize as food. The plants store the sugars in the stem and roots. The root system carries on building up, anchoring the plant into the ground and growing root hairs that aid the plant to better absorb nutrients and water. The stem grows up longer towards the sun and carries water and food among the leaves and roots. Starches and sugars and are transformed into energy, utilized to form new plant growth.


Within the bud, a tiny however complete flower forms. The sepals guard the bud before it opens. Over time, the bud opens and blooms into a mature flower and the sepals look similar to little green leaves at the base of the flower. The flower is the sexually reproductive portion of the plant. The petals of flower are frequently very noticeable, brightly colored and strongly scented in order to fascinate pollinators. This is a much exciting phase of the plant life-cycle!

The female portion of the flower is termed as the pistil and it consists of four parts: the stigma, style, ovary and ovules. The male portion of the flower is termed as the stamen and it comprises of the long filament and the anther, where pollen is build up. In the center of flower, there is a long slender tube which ends in a rounded oval. The tube is termed as the style. On the top of the style is the stigma: its main job is to catch pollen. It might be hairy, sticky or shaped in a manner that assists it to better trap the pollen. At times some stamens surround the pistil. Once the pollen is trapped it travels down the style to the rounded portion at the end, termed as the ovary, where eggs are waiting to be fertilized. The fertilized eggs become seeds in this phase of the flower life-cycle. In fruit producing plants, the ovary ripens and develops into fruit.


Several flowers contain only male portions, and some contain only female portions. In others, the female and male structures are far apart. Such plants based on birds, insects, animals, wind, water and other pollinators to take pollen from the male flowers or male portions to the female flowers or female portions. With no pollinators, there would be no seeds or new plants in such plant species. Even flowers which can self-pollinate get benefit from being fertilized by pollen from a different plant that is termed as cross pollination, as cross pollination outcomes in stronger plants.

Dazzling colored petals, strong smell, nectar and pollen fascinate pollinators. Flowers are especially adapted to fascinate their particular pollinators. For illustration: the corpse flower smells similar to rotting flesh in order to fascinate flies. Pollen sticks to the wings and legs of insects which go from flower to flower for nectar and pollen, which they employ as a food. Pollen sticks to the fur of animals and even to the clothes of humans. Wind blows pollen that land on other flowers.

Spreading Seeds:

Seed dispersal or spreading, is the final phase of the flower life-cycle. Seeds are dispersed or spread in numerous ways. A few, similar to dandelion seeds, are scattered by means of wind. Others rely on animals-an illustration of this is the cockleburs which get stuck in the fur of animals and hitchhike to new positions. Water lilies based on water to spread their seeds. Humans spread numerous seeds purposely by planting gardens. Once the seeds fall to the ground, the plant life-cycle begins all over again.

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