
  Hardey-Weinberg Principle, Biology tutorial


Evolution is not just the development of new species from the older ones, as most people suppose. It is as well the minor changes in a species from generation to generation over long time periods which can outcome in the gradual transition to new species. Evolution has been stated as the sum total of the genetically inherited modifications in the individuals who are the members of a population's gene pool. It is obvious that the consequences of evolution are felt by individuals; however it is the population as a whole which in reality evolves.

Modern theories of Evolution:

Evolution is just a change in frequencies of alleles in the gene pool of a population. For illustration, let us suppose that there is a feature which is determined by the inheritance of a gene having two alleles-B and b. When the parent generation consists of 92% B and 8% b and their offspring collectively encompass 90% B and 10% b, evolution has occurred among the generations. The entire population's gene pool has evolved in the direction of the higher frequency of the b allele-it was not merely those individuals who inherited the b allele who evolved. This definition of evolution was build up largely as an outcome of independent work in the early 20th century through Godfrey Hardy, an English mathematician and Wilhelm Weinberg, a German physician. However mathematical modeling based on the probability, they concluded in the year 1908 that gene pool frequencies are inherently stable however that evolution must be expected in all populations almost all of the time.  They resolved this apparent paradox by examining the total effects of potential evolutionary methods.

Hardy, Weinberg and the population geneticists who followed them came to comprehend that evolution will not take place in a population when seven conditions are met:

a) Mutation is not occurring.

b) Natural selection is not occurring.

c) The population is considerably large.

d) All the members of population breed.

e) All the mating is completely random.

f) Everyone generates the similar number of offspring.

g) There is no migration in or out of the population.

Such conditions are the absence of things which can cause evolution. In another word, when no methods of evolution are acting on a population, evolution will not take place-the gene pool frequencies will remain unchanged. Though, as it is highly doubtful that any of these seven conditions, let alone all of them, will occur in the real world, evolution is the predictable result.

Godfrey Hardy and Wilhelm Weinberg went on to build up a simple equation which can be employed to find out the probable genotype frequencies in a population and to track their changes from one generation to the other. This has become termed as the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium equation. In this equation (p² + 2pq + q² = 1), p is illustrated as the frequency of the dominant allele and q as the frequency of the recessive allele for a trait controlled through a pair of alleles n other words, p equals all of the alleles in individuals who are homozygous dominant (AA) and half of the alleles in people who are heterozygous (Aa) for this trait in a population. 

Illustrations of the Hardy-Weinberg Principle:

The suppositions of the Hardy-Weinberg principle make it simple to compute the genotype frequencies for a gene having two alleles (A and a). The frequency of homozygous genotype AA is the probability of one allele A being in the combination by another allele A. The expected frequency is simply the product of the separate allele frequencies. We will make use of the term p to signify to the frequency of allele A: 

Frequency of AA = p2 (Homozygote for A) .............. (i)

The frequency of heterozygous genotype Aa is the probability of allele A being in the combination with allele a. It is noted that there are two possible ways to acquire those combinations - A from Dad and a from Mom, or vice-versa. 

Frequency of Aa = 2pq (Heterozygote)............... (ii)

The frequency of homozygous genotype aa is the probability of one allele a in combination by the other allele a.

Frequency of aa = q2 (Homozygote for a)................. (iii)

Derivation of the Hardy-Weinberg Principle:

The Hardy-Weinberg Law states: In a large, random-mating population which is not influenced through the evolutionary methods of mutation, migration or selection, both the allele frequencies and the genotype frequencies are constant from generation to generation. Moreover, the genotype frequencies are associated to the allele frequencies by the square expansion of such allele frequencies. In another word, the Hardy-Weinberg Law defines that beneath a restrictive set of suppositions, it is possible to compute the expected frequencies of genotypes in a population when the frequency of the various alleles in a population is recognized.

The genotype frequencies are computed by employing the square expansion of the allele frequencies. To describe this theory, suppose that at some locus, A, you have two alleles, call them A1, and A2. Suppose that the frequency of allele A1 is p and the frequency of allele A2 is q. We can write this as:

 f(A1) = p f(A2) = q

Beneath Hardy-Weinberg conditions, the expected genotypic proportions in the population are:

 (p + q)2

The square expansion of allele frequencies if there are two alleles is p2 + 2pq + q2 signifying that:

f(A1A1) = p2, f(A1A2) = 2pq, and f(A2A2) = q2

When there were a third allele, call it A3, and it was present at frequency r, then the expected genotypic proportions would be (p + q + r)2. In another word, the expected genotypic frequencies would be:

f(A1A1) = p2, f(A2A2) = q2, f(A3A3) = r2 , f(A1A2) = 2pq, f(A1A3) = 2pr, and f(A2A3) = 2qr.

Implications of the Hardy-Weinberg Law:

A) The population is in the state of equilibrium.

B) The frequencies of alleles in the population will remain constant from generation to generation.

C) The genotypic frequencies will remain constant from the generation to generation.

D) The Hardy-Weinberg proportions will be arrived in a single generation of random-mating.

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