Write an AWK program which takes the following input _le and processes it.
$cat data.txt
John Do 111-1111 English 90 Maths 80
Alice Do 222-2222 English 90 Maths 90 Chemistry 93
The input _le has _rst 3 _elds _xed as _rst name, last name, and student id. After the student id, it has
a variable number of _elds which has a pair of name of a subject and points scored in that subject.
Your output should print the full name of the student, number of subjects taken, and his/her average
score. The output corresponding the above input _le is as follows:
$awk -f avgerage.awk data.txt
John Do: 2 subjects taken, average = 85
Alice Do: 3 subjects taken, average = 91
2. Write a BASH/C shell script which takes a name of a directory as a command line
argument, and prints unique login name of the users having _les in that directory. Your code should
perform appropriate error checking.
A sample output is:
$sh name.sh /etc
mysql news root uucp
3. Write a BASH/C shell script which takes name of one or more _les as a command line
argument, and prints the following information for each _le: owner, number of words in the _le, last
update time of the _le. Your code should have appropriate error checking.
The sample output is as follows:
$sh final.sh file1.txt file2.txt
file1.txt : ssaha : 25 : 2011-21-04 17:47
file2.txt : jliu : 16 : 2011-21-04 18:36
4. Write a PERL script which takes a _le named input.txt as an input and processes it. The
input _le has the following format: _rstname lastname: pass/fail score%.
A sample input _le is:
$cat input.txt
John Do: pass 59%
Alice Do: fail 30%
Bob Do: PASS 80%
If the user has passed (i.e. has case insensitive \pass" in the 3rd _eld), then your code should print the
login name (_rst letter of _rst name followed by the last name, all in lowercase) of the user and his/her
corresponding score in fraction.
The output of your code on the above input should look like:
$perl final.pl
jdo: 0.59
bdo: 0.8