Write a programme in C++ to write and later retrieve objects

Q. Write a programme in C++ to write and later retrieve objects to form file. 


# include

# include < c type. h >                      // for trouper

# include < string. h >             // for strlen

# define MAX NAME 40

Class person


Private :

Char name [MAX NAME];

Int age;

Public :

   // this functions writes the class's data members to the file void write (of stream & of s)


Of. S write (name, strlen (name));

Of a << ends;

Of s write ((char *) & age, size of (age));


     // this functions reads the class's data members from the file.

// it returns non zero if no errors were encountered while reading

Int read (if stream & is)

{  is. Get (name, MAX NAME,0);

Name [ is. G count () ] =  0;

    Is. Ignore (1);   // ignore the NULL terminator in the file.

Is. Read (( char * ) & age, size of (age));

Return is. good ();


// stream operator, << overloading

Friend function & operator << (of stream & os, person & b); 

 // stream operator, << operator overloading

Friend function & operator << (is stream & os, person & b);            

 // output file stream operator << (of stream & fos, person & b)


b. write (fos);     return fos;


// output file stream operator overloading

Friend function of stream & operator << (of stream & fos, person & b)


b. write (fos);   return fos;


// output file stream operator overloading

Friend function of stream & operator << (if stream & fos, person & b)

b. read (fos);   return fos



I stream & operator >> (i stream & fos, person & b)


Cout << "Name:",

Is << ws; // flush input buffer

Is. Get (b. Name, MAX NAME);

Cout << "Age :" ;

 Is >> ws >> b. Age;

Return is;


Of stream & operator << (o stream & os, person & b)


Os << b. Name << end l;

  Os << b. age << end l;

   Return os;


Void main ()


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