Objective: The purpose of this problem is to gain experience with the principles necessary to write a program using simple loop, decision processing, counters and accumulators
Save the Barns, a bi-partisan political action committee, needs a Contributions report to provide:
Summary information regarding the political affiliation and gender of the contributors
Input: The input file will contain an unknown number of contributor records. You will create your own data file to test your program. Call your file contributers.dat.
Assume all the data in the input file has already been validated.
The record format is:
Field Type Length
Contributor name Character 25
Address Character 25
City Character 15
State Character 2
Zip Character 5
Party (D, I, or R) Character 1
Gender (F or M) Character 1
Contribution Numeric 7 ZZZ9.99
Total 80 spaces
Output: The output will be to the screen. Include headings that contain a company name, a report name, and date. There will be 1 blank line after the report name line, followed by a summary report.
The summary report should include record count, total contribution and average contribution for the following groupings: (Be sure to identify each number printed.)
1) Men 7) Democratic Women
2) Women 8) Republican Men
3) Democrats 9) Republican Women
4) Republicans 10) Independent Men
5) Independents 11) Independent Women
6) Democratic Men 12) Overall
Special processing: Prompt the user to see if they want to only process this report for contributions over $500. If the response is yes, then change the report name appropriately and process only input records with contributions over $500. Otherwise process all the records.
Logic development includes the following.
1) Hierarchy chart of the modules for this program
2) Program diagram or design document to list the Classes and objects for this program.
3) Create a Chapin Chart to show the detailed logic for this program.
4) Create a screen layout for the output. (80 wide X 24 lines)
5) Create a Test Plan for this program.