
write a marketing plan

  • Marketing Plan- Paper

You will write a marketing plan that will culminate your understanding of the course material. The marketing plan is divided into eight sections. This can be a group project (depending on the size of the class) or an individual project which requires you to develop a marketing plan on a product or service of your choosing but needs to be approved by the instructor. You should begin working on the marketing plan in Week Two but there are not assignments or "turn-ins" prior to the complete Plan Paper due in Week 7

The Marketing Plan is a Group activity (an exception may be made for Individuals with Instructor approval. The Plan should be no more than 16 pages (see detailed content notes below).

Marketing Plan Paper to be turned in by Sunday midnight Pacific time.

  • Marketing Plan PowerPoint/Prezi Presentation

This is the planned presentation slides and outline that you would use to guide you in a presentation when making it for executives or investors where you are looking for funding or approval to implement the plan, make it persuasive.  There should be no more than 15 slides (better if no more than 10) and prepare as if you were making a 15 minute presentation.

You will write a marketing plan that will culminate your understanding of the course material. The marketing plan is divided into eight sections. This can be a group project (depending on the size of the class) or an individual project which requires you to develop a marketing plan on a product or service of your choosing but needs to be approved by the instructor. You should begin working on the marketing plan in Week Two.




Credit Card industry was in boom before the recessionary phase but due to the long recession the industry suffered badly as consumer dint have strong condition to pay of the EMI of their home and could not meet their personal expenditure. In the last few month industries has shown improvement and it is expected that industry will again reach its peas sooner.

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